
When you are grieving there are so many things that can trigger a bad memory or painful feelings. It’s little things that other people don’t even notice that kick me in the stomach and can floor me for the rest of the day. Books, TV shows, adverts, movies, songs all must be screened before useContinue reading “Triggers”


I have never been the forgiving type, instead I am extraordinarily good at holding a grudge and remembering every hurtful comment or event and reminding that person of it years later. Typical woman behaviour I hear the men cry, but what if your lack of forgiveness extended to yourself? What if you were unable toContinue reading “Forgiveness”

That was a year ago

It doesn’t make sense to me that it is somehow June already and today marks eleven months without Heidi.  I had had a decent couple of days, being productive, feeling grateful and hopeful and then the first thought in my head this morning was ‘why didn’t someone do something for my baby’ and my griefContinue reading “That was a year ago”

Fate got it wrong

Fate got it wrong, you weren’t meant to go You needed your Muma, didn’t she know? My heart still beats, but it’s not real It may still work, but it forgot how to feel Fate got it wrong, I should be there too But you have come to see me, I know that is true Continue reading “Fate got it wrong”

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